Dr. Reardon recently moved her office from the Oakmont location to R.R. 620 in Lakeway in order to expand the space she offers for her patients’ wellness needs. In addition to much needed extra treatment rooms and a larger waiting area, the new office will include a classroom for mindfulness, yoga, and other group classes.

The new location is within the Stewart Title Building (formerly known as Gracy Title):

1313 Ranch Road 620 South, Suite 203
Lakeway, Texas 78738

Here is a Google Maps link.

**IMPORTANT: Please use the Google map links provided here or in the footer of each page of our website to find us on your first visit.

Note that some phone map applications do not operate properly unless “RANCH ROAD 620 SOUTH” is spelled out fully. And be aware that coming from the North, you will pass a series of similar 1300 addresses in the NORTH section of 620.

Please allow extra time to find the new office on your first visit. If you need any assistance please don’t hesitate to call the office.