Services We Offer

Lake Travis Integrative Medicine takes an integrative, evidence-based medicine approach to empower our patients to be advocates for their own health. We use Dr. Julie’s LIVEIT philosophy (Learn, Incorporate, Vitalize, Exercise, Imagine, and Thank) with every clinician-patient encounter to collaboratively address you and your family’s unique health needs. During our consultations our clinicians will conduct a complete history and physical examination. When appropriate, specialized tests such as blood, urine, stool, and genetics may be utilized to help us identify and address health issues. Our overall goal is to optimize your health, and the health of your family. Consistent with our integrative approach, often our approach blends one or more of the services below:

Integrative and Functional Medicine Consultations

Julie Reardon, MD is certified in Family Practice with additional training and certification in Integrative & Functional Medicine. At Lake Travis Integrative Medicine, we believe that listening to patients will reveal more than any physical exam ever will. For this reason, our we spend a lot of time with patients: listening to their histories and looking for patterns among lifestyle, genetic, environmental factors that can influence long term health and contribute to ongoing symptoms or diseases. We work with patients to get to the root cause of issues- looking at the multidimensional layers of health and incorporating mind. body, and spirit.

More information on our fee schedule here and becoming a new patient here.

Nutrigenomic Testing

Nutrigenomics examines the relationship between the human genome, nutrition and health. This can be a useful tool to further personalize your care plan and tailor to your specific and unique genetic makeup. Dr. Julie has special expertise in this and can apply this individual knowledge about your body and your genes to your health. If you are someone who feels stuck or desires more data and information, this is for you!

Pharmacogenetic Testing

Pharmacogenomics uses information about a person’s genetic makeup, or genome, to choose the medications and medication doses that are likely to work best for that particular person or the unique ways your body may break medications down or activate them. This personalized, data-driven approach that is pain-free and simple to perform. This can also reduce the time, expense and struggle of finding the right treatment by trial and error. We often utilize this testing when we are concerned about cardiovascular disease management (statin use) or after failed attempts with antidepressant medications. This includes information about how your body metabolizes or detoxes medications and also supplements through common liver “channels.” Genetic variants included in this panel are CYP450’s, APOE, FactorV, MTHFR, COMT and more.

Therapeutic Food Plans & Personalized Nutrition

Lake Travis Integrative Medicine knows that food can be medicine! Our staff can make and support patients through personalized dietary recommendations. Some of these include elimination diets, hormone assisted weight loss, the Institute for Functional Medicine’s food plans, intermittent fasting, fasting mimicking diets, and more.

Conditions We Treat

Below is a list of some common conditions Lake Travis Integrative Medicine can address. This is not a comprehensive list, so if a condition is not listed, please contact us so we can assess how we can help!

  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • ADHD
  • Arthritis
  • Auto-immune conditions
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • Heart Disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hormone Imbalance (Bioidentical Hormones)
  • Hashimotos
  • Irritable Bowel
  • Chronic Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Stress Reduction
  • Weight Loss
  • Digestion / Gastrointestinal
  • SIBO
  • Thyroid / Adrenal

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Our Integrative Medicine approach to hormonal dysfunction is to look upstream and consider nutritional status, lifestyle factors, and response to stress while simultaneously assessing your hypothalamic, pituitary, adrenal, thyroid, and sexual reproductive hormone balance or imbalance. Based upon individual assessments, we can assess hormone levels in the blood, urine or saliva, also testing for possible autoimmune disorders. Our practitioners are experienced in providing a delicate balance of bio-identical hormones to optimize your overall wellness and enhance your quality of life.

Food & Environmental Allergy Testing

Food & Environmental Allergy testing can help identify food allergies and sensitivities that may be causing or triggering symptoms such as headaches, skin issues, digestive issues. In some cases a blood or urine test may be ordered or an elimination diet may be prescribed to identify these possible triggers.


Our immunology workup often includes panels such as environmental and food allergy testing, celiac and gluten sensitivity, chronic viral infections, and immune-deficiencies. If you suffer with chronic fatigue, frequent bronchitis or pneumonia infections, or find it difficult to recover from the common cold, these panels may be of interest to you.

Gut & Digestive Testing

The gut plays a huge role in immune health, brain health, and overall health. Dr. Julie often orders advanced stool testing to gain insight into digestive function, intestinal inflammation, and the intestinal microbiome when appropriate.

Health Coaching

A Health Coach works collaboratively with clients, co-creating personalized wellness plans and goals. This partnership can provide extra support and accountability to ensure you reach your health goals.

Complex Cardiovascular & Inflammation Assessments

Dr. Julie often orders labs that go deeper and give a clearer picture than routine lipid panels for cholesterol, LDL & HDL can. These tests include a comprehensive look into the most early signs of diabetes and cardiovascular disease that provide more information about your risk for certain diseases related to inflammation- so you and Dr. Julie can work on a plan of action.

Drug Free Anxiety, Depression, and Pain Relief

One of the hallmarks of the integrative medicine philosophy is applying complementary and holistic approaches to illness. Many of our patients come to us looking for alternatives to powerful mind-altering pharmaceuticals. Lake Travis Integrative Medicine is on the forefront of regularly exploring and implementing new approaches. One of our biggest successes is our Alpha-Stim program.

Dr. Julie has successfully applied the use of Alpha-Stim technology for the management of anxiety, depression, insomnia, and pain management. This FDA approved medical device generates a patented waveform that allows your own body’s cells to return to their natural functioning state. There are over 95 research studies supporting the safety and efficacy of Alpha-Stim, and the device has been approved for use in patients age 18 and above, however more recent studies are citing benefit for the treatment of pediatric anxiety in ages 8-16 years.

The Alpha-Sim can be used in conjunction with your other treatments, whether using medications or not!

Functional Nutritional Analysis

Nutritional testing can provide a comprehensive look into your biochemistry. Functional Nutritional testing evaluates the functional need for antioxidants, B-vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients. Nutritional analysis offers insight into nutrient status and allows clinicians to provide targeted treatment for your particular needs, often augmenting and speeding the recovery of complex chronic conditions.

Wellness Presentations

Lake Travis Integrative Medicine offers several options in group wellness presentations and community-based healthy lifestyle activities built around Dr. Julie’s LIVE IT philosophy.

Our integrative and functional medicine presentations are a great way to learn about taking control of your health. We offer wellness presentations at our office or- in most cases we can come to you as well. If you have a group of friends, family, employees, or coworkers who would like to learn more about functional & integrative medicine topics we’d love to be a resource for you.

Our wellness presentations usually run about 30-60 minutes. Examples of topics we explore are: Food as Medicine, Holistic Management of Diabetes, Managing Stress, Gut Health, and more.

Please contact our practice manager for more information on availability and rates.

Peer Consultations & Mentorship

Dr. Julie Reardon is a leader in the Integrative and Functional Medicine movements who inspires both patients and other physicians to live sustainable, healthy lifestyles. She co-founded and helps to lead the Integrative Providers of Austin, a networking and peer group for Integrative Medicine-minded physicians. Dr. Reardon is also active on the Texas Medical Association’s Physician Health and Wellness Committee, Dr. Reardon enjoys serving as a speaker and resource for her colleagues.

Dr. Julie Reardon offers peer one on one coaching support to clinicians, medical students, and healthcare professionals.

If you are a healthcare professional or aspiring healthcare professional, Dr. Julie can act as a mentor to provide support for some of the following pursuits:

  • Transitioning into an Integrative or Functional medicine practice
  • Finding work life balance
  • Physician Wellness
  • Building your own practice
  • Promoting your practice

And more!

For rates and for more information, please contact us at