Ubiquitous means existing or being everywhere at the same time.  And that is where the chemical name for CoQ10 (coenzyme Q10) came from: ubiquinone, because it is an enzyme found in every cell  in the body. That sure sounds integrative, doesn’t it?  And for reasons related to is ubiquity, CoQ10 has become one of my “favorite” supplements to recommend: especially for people who are on statin medications. (like atorvastatin, lovastatin, lipitor, and more), or have migraines, or low energy.  Our bodies make it, it comes in some of the foods we eat and we can take it as a supplement.  The research about what it does chemically is clear.  The research of what it does clinically has been growing but has been more complicated and less convincing.  But my clinical experience with it has been quite successful.  This is not about “magic pills” but I want to share my rationale for liking this supplement that explains the clinical success I have had.

Do you remember back to high school chemistry when we learned about the Krebs cycle, electron transfer and production of ATP and energy?  Well, CoQ10 is a key enzyme needed in that process for our mitochondria in our cells to produce energy.  It’s also used as an antioxidant in cell membranes. As we get older our tissue doesn’t always make as much CoQ10 and medication called HMG Co-A reductase inhibitors (aka statins) block not only the cholesterol formation but also the CoQ10 formation.  Good reason to take the supplement, right? Especially because with the cellular stress of aging, it helps to have extra factors that make energy.  It also has more particular relevance for cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative disorders.

If my house is a mess or even just starting to gather clutter and needs more energy and organization, I welcome that supplemental help!  That’s how we see CoQ10 being helpful.  If your body is deficient, you will see change.  I also have recently learned about and offer some micronutrient testing that includes a test for your CoQ10 level.  It’s another option because the routine blood tests don’t measure this.

The doses of CoQ10 range depending upon what it is being taken for.  In general, I usually recommend 100 mg per day.  It is better absorbed into the body with fat, so it should be taken with a meal.  There are also forms of it available that come in a soft gel or chewable which are probably better absorbed.  There is also a form as ubiquinol which is the reduced form of CoQ10.  This leaves less work for the body to convert it.  Some research shows it might be more effective.  From my reading there seem to be no reports of adverse side effects from taking up to 1200 mg per day.  Therefore, I feel quite comfortable with the 100 mg per day dose.  I also came across a synthetic analog form called idebenone.  I’ll need to learn more about that.

CoQ10 is a diverse supplement that should be considered for various health issues.  I like the energy in the house!

BONUS: If you want to read and learn more, check out these links:

Consumer Labs on CoQ10
Linus Pauling info on CoQ10