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Immune System Health Part 1
May 23, 2019 @ 10:30 am -11:45 am
When was the last time you felt healthy?
A healthy immune system should mount a timely and appropriate response to challenges to your health. It doesn’t always perform optimally. Sometimes the immune response can be weakened and have a hard time fighting off illness. And in other cases, the immune response is overactive and lays the foundation for autoimmune disease. Our Nurse Practitioner Theresa Hernandez will share an overview of the immune system and how to keep it running optimally.
Thursday, May 23
10:30 am
Namaste Room
Join us to learn how to learn more about the lifestyle factors and active steps you can take to restore immune health. All patients will have an opportunity to ask personal medical questions. The power of Group Visits is in the supportive community of like minded people experiencing similar complaints and the insightful treatment information from an integrative medicine practitioner.
To reserve your spot, please email Corrie, or call 512-850-6963.
This is the first session of a two-part series. The second session in this series will be held on May 30.