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EXHALE: What your genes can say about you
May 15, 2017 @ 12:00 pm -1:00 pm
| $35What can your genes say about you?
A lot of information can be collected from a simple saliva sample or swab on your cheek. Depending upon which lab is used, your whole genome can be mapped out.
But what does this all mean? What can your genes really say about you?
Your genetics are just part of your story. They are not your destiny but we can use the information as a tool to help personalize your health journey.
Come join us for lunch and hear Dr. Julie Reardon speak about your genes and what they can tell you about staying healthy.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite. $35 per person with lunch included.
EXHALE! is an intimate and casual monthly luncheon at Lake Travis Integrative Medicine. Each month we feature wellness topics in various disciplines accompanied by a healthy lunch. It’s a chance to slow down, take a deep breath, and meet some wonderful people who share your love of staying well.
*NOTE: We will have Vegetarian & Gluten Free lunch options, please let us know if you have other dietary restrictions or allergies by emailing corrie@laketravisintegrative.com or calling our office at 512-850-6963.